E-Learning & Role Playing: Employers Take Note

2 minute read

You might be familiar with role-playing games but never imagined that you could utilize video sharing to train employees in the workplace. Today, more and more companies are relying on the latest technologies, including role-playing, as a methodology for training new employees. From utilizing situational role-playing to help employees determine the best way to act, or utilizing problem-solving techniques to help employees work together and find the best approach, role-playing is extremely beneficial for training new (and seasoned) employees alike. 

How is Role-Playing Beneficial in Training Employees? 

Role-play is a video-based medium which allows learners to experience real-world situations by watching and engaging with shared and recorded videos. You can develop realistic scenarios, mimic different workplace environments, and introduce fictional characters, which will mimic scenarios your employees would face in their daily workday. 

Role-playing is beneficial for employees on many fronts. In addition to being an integrative approach to getting employees to work together, it's also

  • Beneficial in introducing "real-world" situations to employees
  • Allows employers to introduce emergency/difficult situations (for example, a loud ER room in a hospital or customer complaining in a restaurant setting)
  • Gives employees a better understanding of their role, and allows them to see the customer's perspective in a difficult situation
  • Provides employers with real-time data and feedback to employees, to help them better perform duties within the organization. 

The simple fact that employees get real-time feedback, and employers get integrative data about employees and their performance is invaluable in helping improve the service provided by the organization. 

What Forms of Role-Playing can be Utilized in the Training Process? 

When utilizing role-playing as a means for training employees, there are multiple roles which can be introduced when training employees. One option is to create an employee-customer interaction situation. In these situations, employees will utilize touch screens and other tools to provide a service to the customer. This can also take the alternative approach of allowing an employee to act like the customer while having employees service them. This form of role-playing allows employees to understand the customer's perspective, and teaches them how to better deal with situations where they're working with a difficult customer. 

Role-playing can also take on the form of manager-employee communication. Employees will learn what managers expect from them and learn different benchmarks which managers have to hit, in order to ensure the best operations within the organization. 

Real-world environments, emergency situations, and creative problem-solving training modules might also be utilized by organizations, so employees can practice how to act/react, in each of these scenarios. Furthermore, sales training and cost reduction training modules are available, for nearly any industry. 

Try it for Your Organization Today! 

One of the main benefits of this form of training is the fact that it is advantageous for nearly any industry. Restaurant, hospitals, doctor's offices, or retail outlets, can all benefit from the use of recorded video sharing to provide training to employees. Ready to revolutionize the way your organization trains employees? Check out our guide, Ditch the Paper Binder: 6 Successful Steps for Going Mobile to find out which approach is the best for lifecycle learning within your organization. 

ditch the paper binder 5 successful steps for going mobile