5 Excellent Examples of Training Employees with Video
In this day and age, we are surprised when we hear that a restaurant owner or retail establishment is not training employees with video to ensure that staff can quickly learn the ropes of the business. Communicating the heart and soul of your enterprise is most easily, cost-efficiently, and consistently done by using video training applications.
1. Microlearning
The goal of microlearning is to allow learners to focus on one objective at a time. Being able to engage with just one learning building block ensures that the knowledge needed by the employee has completely transferred. Be careful not to have the worker's content introduced in time frames that are too long. After all, you don't want to lose your audience.
Some estimate that by 2025, millennials will make up 75 percent of the country's workforce. Maybe you've already heard, but millennials have an average attention span of about 90 seconds.
2. Cleaning Videos
Whether an employee needs training on the cleaning of a restaurant or a retail establishment, a video is one of the best choices to make. Watching someone go through the standard cleaning steps for a business is so much more detailed, memorable, and concise than is reading a manual that explains the process. Training by watching a video includes these positive factors:
- Training employees with video ensures that instruction can be mobile. A worker can take the video home to view and learn. Alternatively, if the video appears online, he or she can watch the video anytime and anywhere.
- Visual content for learning increases individuals' retention at a rate of 65 percent of the information, three days later.
- McDonald's once used Michael Jackson's "Beat It" as a background for a video called "Clean It." Dancers and a stand-in Michael Jackson went through the tasks of cleaning at the end of the day. The video was used to motivate employees to clean the locations in grand style.

3. Compliance Training Videos
Learning about HR rules and regulations can be a bit underwhelming. It's good to know that videos can make this information a little more palatable. Consider making a creative video by using graphics, animations, or corny scripts. You might consider asking current employees to show the right and wrong ways to, for example, handle a customer who is upset. There is almost no limit when it comes to e-learning.
4. Skills Testing
Examination for understanding, after the videos have explained the guidelines of a business, can take the form of knowledge tests or task-based tests. Knowledge tests should have one or more questions about each learning objective. However, if the videos have mainly dealt with employees performing job tasks, you will want to test them with skill-based tests and performance assessments.
5. eLearning Made Easier
For users of your training videos, navigation and user interactions should be visible and intuitive. If the user has a difficult time navigating the video, it may be that the focus on learning is being compromised. Consistency, correct font size, clear and bright videography, and simple instructions are imperative if you want an excellent video training tool.
is something we know a thing or two about, so let us know if we can be of assistance with your e-learning platform. Please enjoy taking a glance at our latest ebook, 7 Pillars of Modern Learning, along with our other ebooks, as well.