PlayerLync Blog

10 Ways Mobile Learning Technology Has Transformed Corporate Training

Written by Carrie McFarland | January 30, 2020

Recently, companies have implemented mobile learning technologies. Technology advancements now allow learning to be done using mobile devices. Keep reading to understand how technology advancements has made mobile learning a key player in corporate training and employee development.

The Importance of Mobile Learning

1. It's Cost-Effective  

Mobile learning is less expensive than traditional eLearning or instructor-led programs. Mobile training can be delivered whenever and wherever your company needs. Remove travel, food, and teaching fees by switching to a mobile learning strategy for your corporate training program. 

2. It Embraces BYOD

The market for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is expected to reach $366.95 billion by 2022. This will change the workplace culture forever. Instead of using outdated technology, employees can use devices and systems they are familiar with. This removes the challenge of training individuals on different software. 

3. Provides Portability   

The best corporate training programs use learning strategies that bring information to the employee. Mobile-first solutions are portable to any device and provide a true hands-on experience. 

4. Increases Group Collaboration 

Connecting devices between company levels allow different departments to interact more efficiently. Managers can check up on the status of projects, and gain feedback quickly. 

5. Millennials Love Mobile Learning

Millennials prefer a collaborative workplace that embraces technology. They also want a flexible schedule and improved work-life balance. According to a recent article, 81% of Millennials believe they should set their work schedule. Using mobile learning strategies in corporate training provides the convenience and flexibility Millennials need to succeed. 

6. Enhanced Accessibility  

Since there is no fixed time or place an employee has to be to complete a task, it empowers an individual to work efficiently with performance support. The learner has a choice of when and how they want to get work done. This allows them to work at their pace. 

7. Increased Employee Engagement 

After your employees complete their learning courses, they can expect to receive feedback on their work from upper management. Receiving continuous feedback keeps trainees engaged. Being seen acting on what they have learned shows motivation to do well. 

8. Consistency is Key 

According to our guide, Why a Mobile-First (vs. a Mobile-Responsive) Training Strategy Wins Every Time, employees across an entire company can receive the same training content seamlessly. Identical training can also provide better customer experiences. A positive experience will enhance a company's brand image.  

9. More Room for Customization

The possibilities are endless when customizing a mobile learning system. There is freedom to add photos, podcasts, videos, and images. Experiment by adding short 1-minute video content to each interactive assessment. 

10. A Boost in Microlearning 

It's impractical to expect employees to sit through a 4-minute training video. Providing a short burst of knowledge gives the learner immediate information. The goal is to create content that can be accessed whenever an employee wants. 

How Mobile Technology Has Changed Workplace Experience

The role of technology in learning strategies, training and development aims at increasing an employee's knowledge and skills. Embracing technological tools can help streamline any training program. Forget the days where you rely on print media to share information. Today, technology can cater to any industry and all types of learners. Flexible mobile learning platforms can be customized to work with different learning types through interactive tasks and digital multimedia. Overall, technology can make learning in the workplace pleasant and more likely to be retained by employees. Begin by understanding the importance of mobile learning and make room for new technological advancements this year.