PlayerLync Blog

Why Microlearning Is More Engaging Than Traditional Learning

Written by Bob Paulsen | October 5, 2017

We’ve talked a lot recently about microlearning because it’s addressing employees’ appetite for learning while maintaining their connection to their work. Here’s why we think it’s an ideal training method for today’s workplace.

Learning takes place where they work - traditional learning happens away from where the work is done, usually a storage room or back office. So what happens when your staff gets back on the job? They don’t have context for what they previously learned, lacking the visual support that’s gained from learning in the same environment where they spend the rest of their time. Microlearning delivers training material in a familiar place which provides:

Continual support

Microlearning can be replayed/viewed as necessary because it doesn’t require your staff to leave their workspace. In this way, microlearning provides reinforcement for what they’re trying to recall or learn, right when they need it. Think about how much faster you can help your customers when you don’t have to disengage from what you’re doing to get the information you need. Recall how good it feels to get answers on your own, without having to rely on others to help. This positive feeling carries over to how employees feel about a company that gives them this support at every turn.

Increases retention 

Without additional assistance, learning retention can drop by almost 50% after one day and as much as 80% after two days. Microlearning augments training lessons with a quick booster review so your staff can refresh their memories where they work. This repetition helps increase retention, reducing employees’ frustration with not knowing answers or with having to interrupt others to ask questions. So many people don’t like to seem ignorant in front of others and referencing information at the point of need helps people avoid that feeling, elevating their sense of accomplishment and intelligence.

Employees are most engaged at work when they are empowered to guide their own development and learning. This includes being able to access answers independently with the support of the company they work for. Test it at your company and see if your staff doesn’t find it far more engaging than traditional learning.