PlayerLync Blog

Microlearning: Reducing Employee Onboarding and Training Time

Written by Gary Iles | March 27, 2018

Historically, restaurants can have a high turnover rate. This statistic is due to several reasons, some of which are the lack of continued training, training accessibility, and the methods of continued training used. While hiring new employees will always be a factor in a growing business, bigger challenges await new recruits: Onboarding and training. This is where microlearning can help.

One primary way that microlearning can assist in reducing onboarding and training, is by offering smaller blocks of training at a time. This happens in a very simple way. Microlearning relies on the ability to take large amounts of data, then breaking down into smaller “bite-sized” blocks that are more consumable, relatable, and understandable.

Consumable Information

By offering these small learning blocks, you are allowing the new employee to also learn by watching others and applying their learned skill in real-time. This is because smaller blocks of learning data take less time for the employee to consume the information, thus, allowing them to make better use of their remaining time by cultivating real-world experience. This provides the perfect combination of “book” learning, learning through watching others, and hands-on learning.

Understandable Information

Bite-sized learning gives employees more time in between learning blocks to better understand the lesson they have just learned. This results in a higher rate of information retention while granting the employee a deeper knowledge base. Employers also benefit by enjoying the security of an employee who understands what is expected of them while knowing how to perform their job appropriately.

Relatable Information

Microlearning also has other advantages including relatable learning sequencing. Relatable learning sequencing is the act of integrating apps into their learning block that foster a connection to the information being learned. Gamification is one way to accomplish this goal if the employee has a connection with online gaming. For example, with the help of advanced learning software, training lessons can be converted to online mobile games which can be “played” by the employee. This method has proven that information is easier processed and retained by the employee because of their affinity for gaming.

Increased Retention Rates

When it comes to the statistically high turnover rates, the primary reason being the lack of continued training, offering up shorter training fosters continual learning in a non-invasive manner. As mentioned earlier, this type of learning happens in smaller blocks, giving active employees greater freedom to continue on with their normal functions while taking smaller breaks dedicated to training.

Coupled with incentives and a clear opportunity for growth, microlearning provides a way to decrease an organization’s turnover rate when it comes to existing employees while reducing the time it takes to onboard and to train new employees. Check out this guide to get started now.