PlayerLync Blog

Increase Employee Engagement With These 5 Tips

Written by Bob Paulsen | August 28, 2017

Every company from every industry wants to know that their employees are engaged. According to a Gallup Poll, employee engagement is critical to reducing turnover rates while improving customer experience, as well as a plethora of positive outcomes. This ultimately results in increased sales and less drain on money and resources associated with replacing existing staff.

Invest in your employee’s development through continued training

According to, when it comes to engagement, you must offer an incentive for the type of engagement you are looking for.

This means that if you want your retail staff focused and motivated, you must continually invest in their development through continued training. This can be done through cost-effective and efficient means through a combination of microlearning and mobile learning. Innovative training and learning software can be tailored to your company’s individual needs, but always centered on your employees learning preference.

In a nutshell, microlearning software can help your apparel retail staff gain self-sufficiency through instant information access and the ability to learn in a way that offers maximum information absorption.

Define a clear path to promotion

Defining a clear path to promotion is one of the most effect ways to motivate inspired representatives,

Working with these motivated individuals will ensure their motivation doesn’t dwindle. Showing them exactly what to do and how to achieve a promotion, or at least how to become a candidate for perhaps a management trainee course, will ensure that those who are hungry for success understand what they need to do to achieve it.

Provide a flexible workplace in schedule and in culture

Flexibility in schedule will help those with studies or are limited, yet very motivated and have great potential, the means to not only help themselves, but to help the organization because they genuinely have something to offer.

Turning away someone based on scheduling needs can ultimately drive away candidates who have the potential to become talented sales force team members or possibly upper management once their scheduling needs clear up.

In culture means to allow for thought diversity and inclusion through promoting respect for different ideas.

Close divide between management and staff

All too often, we look at the deep divide between employees and management. This divide quite frankly shouldn’t exist.

Offering to work with employees to create understanding and mutual respect will eliminate fear, nervousness, and/or anxiety when it comes to a superior entering the room.

Friendliness and openness creates a sense of unity and offers superior performance on the floor and behind the curtain.

Offer perks for better performance

Paying an employee for their work does not constitute a thank you.

Offering special perks or bonuses for hitting milestones or for performance increases provides a direct line of appreciation. Giving your employees motivation to do better should be a priority among apparel retail sales companies.

While perks offer increased incentive that results in greater engagement, even a warm thank you from time to time is still in order.