PlayerLync Blog

Top Employee Training Trends Everyone Is Talking About

Written by Carrie McFarland | September 28, 2017

It may be surprising to some that a mature segment of education like employee training would have noteworthy emerging trends, but the sector continues to evolve rapidly. Here are some of the topics we are hearing a lot about in the corporate learning community.


One of the most popular subjects recently is the adoption of mobile devices for training employees where they work, whether that’s the sales floor, on the road, or in the restaurant kitchen. This puts the training information in a familiar place on a familiar device - not a dusty old binder, aging PC, or TV/VCR combo in the back office. Originating from Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs, mobile learning is clearly here to stay as a corporate training tool.

Social learning

Society’s interest in websites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat is spilling over into the eLearning space. People want to share their achievements and struggles with their co-workers in an environment that feels familiar and safe. New learning management software is incorporating social features to encourage employee cooperation and healthy competition, fostering teamwork alongside elevated performance.

Data-driven learning

People have a natural curiosity that doesn’t turn off when they arrive at their place of work. New learning systems note the direction that an employee’s curiosity leads them and adapts to offer subsequent relevant content. This allows employees to choose their career path unselfconsciously by pursuing their interests. This leads to increased engagement and overall employee satisfaction.


One of the most talked-about new trends is “microlearning”–brief video content that typically only runs from 15 seconds to 3 minutes at the most. The idea has grown out of the use of mobile devices in the workplace, especially where “deskless” employees are concerned. Instead of taking employees off the floor to a back room for training and interrupting their day, microlearning gives them a boost of the right information at the right time, right where the work is being done.

It’s always interesting to see how the top employee training trends change each year. We constantly keep our ear to the ground, listening to customers and scouring the internet in order to add and enhance features that are relevant to our clients and the training community at large. Contact us to discuss how PlayerLync helps your corporate learning program keep up with the trends and check out our latest ebook for more trends to watch for in 2018: Join the Learning Management Revolution: The Get-Going Guide for 2018