PlayerLync Blog

Improving the Adoption of Communication Solutions for Deskless Workers

Written by Carrie McFarland | September 22, 2020

Poor communication can be costly for any organization. In fact, a survey-backed article on shows that companies with at least 100,000 employees stand to lose an average of $64.2 million each year due to inefficient communication practices. SMBs, with around 100 employees, could lose $420,000 annually if they disregard reliable communication channels. Implementing deskless employee communication solutions for workers can save your business from these losses.

A proper internal communication strategy also helps ensure your whole team works as one cohesive unit. Essential tasks, like sending out corporate messages, promoting specific product lines, and training employees, will become easy to manage and track. 

However, if employees cannot adopt the communication solutions you choose, you are back to square one. The goal is to work with solutions that employees will engage with and use.

Below are steps on how you can improve the adoption rates of such communication solutions among deskless employees:

Make the Solution Essential for Everyday Work

While this might seem like a no-brainer, not all companies make deskless employee communication solutions a necessity for everyday tasks. Since company-wide emails have always been a go-to solution for delegating daily tasks, organizations might continue to use it. What happens when employees see your new communication solutions as optional?

As long as communications don't help them do their job at the exact moment, most employees will ignore them - even though essential information will be posted there. This means information like promotions, discounts, and even crucial operational changes addressed within the solutions will be swept under the rug. Consider making the communication solutions essential for employee's everyday tasks. 

They should need to access these platforms every day before they start their work. Organizations could also make the platforms a go-to resource for all approved company documents. 

Ease Up the Adoption Process

It is human nature always to take the easier route to achieve something. This is why organizations should create a platform that deskless employees can use with ease. For better engagement, organizations can:

  • Make the solutions compatible with mobile devices - unlike desk-based employees, deskless workers rarely have immediate access to a desktop or laptop. Going to one designated area every time they need to access information will be frustrating, unproductive, and time-consuming. The best way to engage these employees is by reaching them where they work. Since mobile devices can be taken anywhere, accessing information becomes less burdensome.
  • Use an intuitive interface - Today's employees use numerous consumer applications in their everyday lives. The chosen communication platform's experience should look and feel like something these employees might use outside of work. Employees shouldn't struggle to find documents, standard forms, and even team sites. If they hit a roadblock, having a reliable search feature will help mitigate any issues.
  • Have interactive tutorials - these can be helpful for employees learning to use the different platforms. The tutorials can walk employees through something as simple as filling out standard online forms or even more complex issues. 

Embrace Collaboration

If an organization's communication solutions for deskless employees only support one-way communication, it will be tough for employees to adopt them. Engaging more with employees will improve their productivity. Often, employees could have questions or feedback concerning specific roles. Some tasks could even require collaboration with other employees. For organizations to embrace this participation, communication tools should have dedicated collaboration and feedback spaces.  

Deskless employees have a significant impact on how customers perceive businesses. After all, these employees are whom customers interact with the most. With effective and engaging communication tools, keeping these employees connected to internal communications becomes easy. For a more in-depth guide on improving communication with deskless employees, download our eBook: The State of Internal Communications for Frontline Employees.