PlayerLync Blog

How HR Technology Can Create a Great Learning Culture

Written by Carrie McFarland | March 29, 2018

Creating a great culture is important to the growth of any business. In today’s day and age, HR technology is paramount in building a learning culture. This type of culture works to enhance skill among employees, but also provides an edge when it comes to competing within your market. Quite possibly the most important trend when it comes to utilizing HR technology to create a great learning culture, is going from being compliance driven – to people oriented.

Identify Organization-Wide Needs

With any great culture, team leaders and decision-makers should evaluate employee need first. By assessing how to make an organization stronger by focusing first and foremost on how to make employees stronger contributors, an organization increases its likelihood of sustainable growth.

Incentivize Learning Milestones

Second, the implementation of incentivization will fast-track the development of a great learning culture. Granting clear and open incentives for meeting both short and long-term learning goals, in addition to the demonstration of learned objectives in real-world application, will properly and fairly motivate willing participants. Meeting set milestones is also best accomplished through microlearning functions. Microlearning technology offers the best in retained knowledge and the ability to produce actionable results in real-time.

Create a Clear Path to Promotion

Creating a clear path to promotion, much like incentivization, will continue to motivate employees in continued learning. By offering a clear path for current employees to move forward from within an organization, the organization itself is creating a culture with a higher morale, greater job satisfaction, and better qualified and more knowledgeable staff. Informational sharing technology, social networking, and other conversational technology platforms will accelerate learning while making it more practical and accessible to employees on duty.

In Closing

To continually identify employee need, automation and real-time information sharing are needed. This can be done through the implementation of high-quality learning software centered around HR technology. In addition, the components of incentivization and clear paths to promotion are invaluable and can be integrated with tools associated with learning software.

The software should be centered around cutting-edge HR technology, and tailored to meet the individual needs of the organization, with an emphasis on creating a great company-wide learning culture through social networking, virtual and augmented reality, video, microlearning, blog posts, and more.

The benefits of developing and maintaining a positive and exciting learning culture can be profound.