Before we tell you how guided adaptation will revitalize your organization, we feel the need to define it for you, because it’s a relatively new term in the corporate learning lexicon. Guided adaptation uses the function of work as a means for training and learning, as opposed to taking employees out of their element and putting them in an unfamiliar environment. Learning happens best when people are performing their tasks, taking cues from others, and demonstrating subject mastery. How will guided adaptation rejuvenate your Learning & Development? Let’s take a look at a few ways you can make strides quickly.
Much of your workforce is moving throughout the day, which means your L&D efforts must move along with them. They must be able to access the data and knowledge needed to guide them toward efficiency, improvement, and, eventually, promotion. Updating your L&D content to be accessible via employee and corporate mobile devices ensures that everyone has the use of all informational and support documents when they need them.
People tend to think of learning as drudgery and a chore, mostly because that was their experience in grade school. In reality, people are always learning, and sometimes they really love it–which means they usually don’t even recognize that’s what’s happening. When your organization places value on learning and demonstrates everyone taking part (including managers and executives), then guided adaptation isn’t a thing you do, it’s simply the way things are.
When learning happens at the same time and place as work, employees don’t experience the steep decline of the “forgetting curve” which sees learning retention rates drop up to 80% in 48 hours. The visual and spatial cues of learning in the same place where employees work augment the lessons and provides a mnemonic for recollection.
Hopefully you understand the concept of guided adaptation and how it helps employees learn better and keeps your organization on the forefront of learning and development. It takes some adjustments at first but as we previously mentioned, when your employees are learning as a function of their work, it doesn’t seem quite as much like learning and feels more like getting things done. There are some quick and easy ways to get started!