PlayerLync Blog

Be Honest… Do You Really Have Effective Employee Training?

Written by Carrie McFarland | November 30, 2017

Effective employee training programs should pay off in a number of ways. Let’s be honest, your company is investing in an employee training system with the hopes of creating an environment of greater sustainability for the business and a better experience for your consumers.

In order to successfully ensure these things, you have to maximize on a training programs effectiveness.

This can be done by looking at several key aspects of the training format and how it leverages effective employee training.

#1: Employee Retention

An effective employee training program will yield considerable results when it comes to employee retention rates.

How exactly should it do this?

By offering ongoing learning courses in combination with an end-result payoff, employees are more likely to participate in these ongoing training programs.

End-result payoffs could be wage increases that are put into effect in as milestones are met in regard to the program itself in tandem with demonstrable action on the floor. When education can be put into real-world action, and this positive effect can be successfully demonstrated, it can ultimately reward the employee with promotion.

#2: Employee Satisfaction

When end-result rewards are implemented successfully into any and all effective employee training programs, you should also see a considerable uptick in employee satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is one of the most critical aspects of retail and restaurant sectors especially, because these sectors are known as high turnover industries.

If a company implements protocols that have a chance of increasing employee satisfaction, it will not only contribute to notably higher retention rates, but will also contribute to customer satisfaction.

Employee satisfaction rates continue by creating a climate that is more positive and constructive within staff ranks.

#3: Brand Consistency

Your company’s brand is reflected in your customer’s experience with your business. This is seen in how consumers feel about your brand after having interactions with your company.

More specifically, your brand is represented by your employees. It is demonstrated in their interactions with the customers. It is illustrated by their knowledge of your company’s products, services, and company protocols.

An effective training program will integrate brand values into training courses, ensuring brand consistency and building awareness through your employee’s interaction with the public.


A successful and effective employee training program will embody elements that provide benefit in employee retention, employee satisfaction, and brand consistency. And these benefits will provide ongoing success for the company that implements it.