PlayerLync Blog

5 Reasons to Blend Employee Training & Store Operations

Written by Carrie McFarland | February 15, 2018

Most businesses have a policy for employee training, especially when a new employee is hired. However, the training methods at many businesses are outdated, and do not produce results in an efficient way. One of the biggest problems is the seclusion of training from the normal operations of the store, restaurant or business. Here are five reasons why it makes sense for business owners to blend employee training and regular business operations.

1. Real-World Application

The goal of any training program is to both educate employees and show them how to apply what they have learned into real-world situations. If there is a component of training that requires an employee understand and apply information, it is always better to do it through normal store operations. A new employee can learn how to operate a register, take orders or sort through inventory while watching others do those jobs.

2. Easier to Measure Results

If an employee is being trained in isolation, how can a business measure the progress of learning? If the education is taking place during store operations, it is much easier to see what information is being absorbed, and what is going over their heads. A new employee will make mistakes during their first few days on the job, but those mistakes help them learn.

3. Training is Boring

If someone is bored, they will have a harder time retaining information. In fact, they may not even listen during most of the training seminar. But when someone is on their feet, and part of the operations, they will be focused and attentive. They want to impress, and they are being given a visual representation of how to do their job.

4. Lower Costs

Training is expensive. Whether a company is producing training videos, hiring instructors, or having employees stay behind to train others, these things cost money. If part or all of the training is done during store operations, costs go down. There is no need to hire an instructor, and seasoned employees can train new hires while they work.

5. Teamwork

If any business is going to succeed, teamwork among the employees is essential. Training should be a chance for new employees to bond with experienced personnel. Everyone can get to know each other, and those who are already working at the business can teach the new hires about the culture and working environment. It is an interactive form of learning, which is always more effective.