Smart Devices + Smart Tools = Smarter Employees & Employee Productivity

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Companies of all sizes and resource levels recognize the need to invest in their employees in order to slow turnover rates, maximize productivity, and increase positive company culture. Even after spending on employee  development and learning programs, companies recognize that throwing money at the problem $164.2 billion dollars doesn't solve for a lack of employee engagement. Research shows that the third highest priority issue for companies is a need to improve and in some cases completely revamp their approach to employee learning.

Go paperless, modernize your business

No one can ignore the impact that technology has had on nearly every aspect of today’s workplace. Radical changes in technology have shown a need to update systems and remain flexible to evolving industry and societal norms. Nimble companies have recently made the shift from printouts and paper manuals to easily managed content on mobile devices. Learning management systems (LMS) have played a role in standardizing training expectations across an institution, but these platforms have many times been too rigid to keep up with the changing nature of employee training and development. Today's tools need to be able to store files locally, train staff at the point of execution, and make using data easier, not harder.

Adopt interactive learning systems

Employee learning has to adapt to the needs of the learners. It’s not enough to train employees in a static set of skills and consider the work done. A one-size-fits-all approach to employee learning programs doesn’t fit a workplace where employees have high-powered computers in their pockets. Learning materials need to be made available to match the speed with which content is available and consumed on content platforms. Leveraging the mobile devices that employees already use and implementing a few flexible tools that can support your staff through onboarding, training, and development is the next step in coaching your employees. Interactive learning systems should also have the ability to easily provide feedback and evaluation in a timely manner.

Upskill employees and chart career pathing

Seize opportunities to "upskill" employees. To truly develop an employee for growth in your organization, provide each individual with the chance to take on new responsibilities or even cross-train to learn about the roles of colleagues and peers. It might be necessary to remove some barriers in order to allow for cross-department learning experiences, as some organizational structures aren't open to new approaches. Designing systems that encourage a transparent approach to learning and working that also involve multiple departments or experts will attract today’s generation of workers who look for openness in their work environments and enjoy change.

Make the investment in development. It’s definitely true that continual training and employee development requires resources and time. But the alternative isn’t cheap; research shows that Millennial turnover costs the U.S. economy $30.5 billion dollars annually. The additional investment in employee learning creates a strong, supported workforce that is loyal to your organization’s mission. Engaged employees, equipped with the right tools, are valuable assets to a company that wants to thrive.

 What tactics are you using to increase employee productivity?

3 steps to move to an integrated learning solution